國西岸太平洋時區的 12 月 18 日,洛杉磯湖人將於主場對陣金州勇士,該場將退休湖人過去效力 20 年的傳奇球星 Kobe Bryant 的球衣:No.8 與 No.24,而現在球隊的榜眼核心 Brandon Ingram 與 Lonzo Ball,以及 Luke Walton,這三人於 17 日在媒體追問下紛紛表示自己的看法…

Brandon Ingram 受訪時表示:

“Every day I go in the tunnel, I think about how blessed I am to be in this position.” “This guy spent 20 years in the same position. It’s an honor to try be there, fill some shoes and just try to come here and work every day.”

「我很榮幸我可以待在這裡。這傢伙(指 Kobe Bryant)過去花了 20 年,而我現在也試著跟著他的腳步,我很榮幸我可以來這裡每天工作。」

現年僅 20 歲的 Brandon Ingram,對穿著 No.8 的 Kobe Bryant,僅能從錄影視頻上看到,現場印象應該很模糊,即便如此 No.24 的 Kobe Bryant 也足夠給他夠大的影響力。

“He took every game like it was his last.”

“He wanted to master everything and was definitely an inspiration of our generation and, of course, many generations (before) me.”


愈打愈有新氣象、新高度的 Brandon Ingram,Kobe Bryant 現階段對他的要求,僅有「防守」,而且是頑強,極具韌性的防守。


現任湖人總教練,與 Kobe Bryant 當過八年隊友,一起拿過兩枚戒指的 Luke Walton 也憶起當年他在球場兩端是如何的兇猛:

“Especially in the fourth quarter, he wanted to guard the other team’s best player.”

“He studied film on all their moves …, what their tendencies were if there was going to be a buzzer-beater.”


Kobe Bryant 也是個練習狂,Luke Walton 也提到他通常是第一個到場練習的球員。

最後,Lonzo Ball 提到:

“If you mention the Lakers, you think about Kobe.”

“Like I said, I’m glad he’s getting both jerseys retired. I think that’s fitting for him. Hopefully we’ll put on a good show for him.”

「如果你提到湖人,你就會想到 Kobe Bryant。」。


其實 Kobe Bryant 的精神就是「韌性」、「防守」,與「努力不懈地練習」,期許這一批新一代的湖人小將已有能接起他棒子的潛在人選!
