從原本交易後被寄予厚望希望可以扛起未來小牛前場,到如今完全掉出球隊的輪替陣容,原本短期內對於Nerlens Noel上場時間的討論可以因為拇指手術動刀的問題暫時劃下一個句點【畢竟剛動完刀康復前怎樣都無法立即上場】。

Rick Carlisle said Nerlens Noel will be having surgery on his left thumb to repair a torn ligament. “He’ll be out for several weeks. I don’t know how long.”

— Bobby Karalla (@bobbykaralla) 2017年12月6日

然而Nerlens Noel是否真的有傷,以及決定動手術的是球團方或者Nerlens Noel方似乎也讓群眾霧裡看花。


Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
球迷或者國外記者甚至論壇會討論 Noel到底是真傷還是假傷是可以想見的,畢竟之前和小牛鬧翻的Rondo在與火箭的季後賽開打後正式決裂,官方給的理由也是Rondo因為背部傷勢問題,所以剩餘的季後賽不會再上場,但明眼人一看就知道這個傷勢只是雙方給彼此一個好看的台階下罷了。


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也有論者認為,既然Nerlens Noel都決定要動刀修復拇指傷勢,那為何還一如往常的參與隊內的賽前練習?

Despite making the decision to have left thumb surgery later this week, @NerlensNoel3 went through his pregame warmup routine in Boston. #DALatBOS pic.twitter.com/VcmoeJ4XoZ

— Earl K. Sneed (@EarlKSneed) December 6, 2017

但無論你認為是真傷還是假傷,最近小牛隊老闆Mark Cuban以及Nerlens Noel接受媒體訪問時都肯認了手術這件事情,但事情並沒有就此終結,反而似乎出現了相互衝突的情況?



然而如果牽扯到一個原本被球團設定成未來的前場拼圖,卻因為合約以及上場時間等問題變成眾人目光的Nerlens Noel來說,可能就是群眾有興趣的話題了。

While shooting jumpers prior to the Dec. 6 game against the Celtics and just an hour before the surgery announcement, Noel told reporters that that the injury wasn’t “anything crazy” and didn’t require surgery. But he also said the team’s trainers had said he “should probably get some surgery and get it fixed up now.” He felt that offered the best path for him to get healthy, and he also admitted his current standing in the rotation contributed to the decision.



And then last week, the Mavericks announced Noel would be undergoing surgery to repair a torn ligament in his left thumb. Owner Mark Cuban said the decision was made by Noel and Paul, not the team. Noel had the surgery Friday and is expected to miss about a month.
